Career Pathways
These opportunities present itself and allow physicians to maximise their knowledge for the advancement of public health and medicine at large.
Noteworthy, this career path is diverse, and opportunities range from clinical to academic and administrative pathways.
Clinical Pathways
Under the clinical pathway, a physician may consider being paediatric. As a paediatrician, the primary focus is on treating illnesses in children and their overall development. Also, gynaecology is a branch of medicine specialising in treating all kinds of diseases and regular physical care of women’s reproductive systems. On the other hand, optometry specialises in a thorough examination of the human eyes to detect defects, refractions, and so forth to treat, prescribe, or refer for treatment. Also, epidemiology as a clinical pathway is a branch of medicine concerned with the occurrence, distribution, and control of diseases in the human population. Other clinical pathways include but are not limited to: endocrinology; obstetrics; cardiology; neurology; psychiatry; orthopaedics; pathology, and pathology.
Academic Pathways
Although the academic pathway has witnessed worrisome low interest over the years, it remains a rewarding pathway for physicians. It includes leading the way to medical advancement through diligent research. Likewise, this branch is responsible for educating medical students and physicians in training. Also, worthy of note is that physicians in academia, through symposiums, journals, conferences, and blog posts, afford practising physicians an opportunity to learn. Insufficient funding of research and grants are identifiable significant challenges of this pathway, which will improve patient care.
Administrative Pathways
Furthermore, the administrative pathway as explained by the Australian Medical Association is management or administration using the clinical and medical knowledge, judgment, and skill of registered healthcare or medical practitioner, which can affect the safety and health of any person or the public. It includes managing health services, hospitals, clinics, elderly caregiver homes, etc.; developing operational policy, purchasing, or planning health services. Government entry for medical administration, often, are physicians with post-graduate degrees, particularly in health policy management and health service administration, among others.
Factors that Influences Career Pathways
A host of factors greatly influences career choices in any of the career options mentioned above. Typically, this includes factors such as individual interest, personality, opportunities, remuneration, and societal issues. However, some factors are more predominant than others. For instance, remuneration is a paramount consideration when making career choices.
Practically, when income is low, it becomes difficult notwithstanding interest, for a physician to tread a particular path. Also, available opportunities significantly affect career choices. For instance, in countries with less pronounced clinical and medical practice, there are limited options and opportunities for specialisation. In such, cases, individuals embrace general practice rather than specialisation. Similarly, the availability of training, predominant health issues, and societal acceptance play a vital role. And it can sometimes appear to undermine passion and interest. Regardless, career choices are sometimes a reflection of interest, passion, or commitment.